Tri-Cities Airport | Parking


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Tri-Cities Airport Parking

TCA Parking Map

LONG-TERM BLUE PARKING LOT: The long-term blue parking lot is the first exit on the left as you enter the Tri-Cities Airport on Terminal Loop Road. This lot provides an economical solution for passengers that need to park their vehicle longer than a 24-hour period. Payment method is by credit card or debit card as passengers exit the lot (self-serve). Rates are listed below.

SHORT-TERM YELLOW PARKING LOT: The short-term yellow parking lot is the second exit on the left as you enter the Tri-Cities Airport on Terminal Loop Road and is across the street from the terminal building. This lot provides users the ability to park at the airport for short periods of time (generally, 24 hours or less) to drop passengers off, meet arriving passengers, or take short flights for business or pleasure. Payment method is by credit card or debit card as passengers exit the lot (self-serve). Rates are listed below.

LONG-TERM GREEN PARKING LOT: The long-term green parking lot is located at the first exit on the right as you enter the Tri-Cities Airport on Terminal Loop Road. This lot is designed for passengers that need to park their vehicles longer than 24-hours and the parking rate is the same as the long-term blue rate. Payment method is by credit card or debit card as passengers exit the lot (self-serve). Rates are listed below.

Parking operations staff are on-site 24 hours per day and are available to assist, as needed. They can be reached at the phone number below.

Parking Concepts, Inc. - (509) 883-8446

Short Term Yellow Parking Lot Rates

0-25 minutes free

25 minutes - 1 hour $2.00

Each additional hour $2.00

Daily maximum $16.00

Long Term Blue and Green Parking Lot Rates

0-10 minutes free

10 minutes - 1 hour $2.00

1 - 24 hours $12.00

Each additional 24-hour period or portion thereof $12.00

Payment Methods

See parking lot description above to determine appropriate payment method.